The FDA Advisory Panel recently recommended that a new class of cholesterol drugs, alirocumab (Praluent) from Sanofi SA and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., be approved. The new drugs are given by injection and work by blocking an enzyme. The results are pretty impressive. But at what cost? I’m certain the very smart folks working at big Pharmas and their billion dollar statin franchises are aware of the controversy around statins and are starting to wonder where the next cholesterol money making opportunity will be. This could be it. This drug will be effective at lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) but also cost an enormous amount. So the drug companies may be killing two birds with one stone here 1) create a new franchise 2) treat fewer people and protect against the over prescription controversy. I think the second point is an important one. The greed of the Pharmas and their desire to get more and more people taking statins was obscene. So good on them if they curtail that. But the profit potential for these drugs looks pretty tantalizing and in the end who will pay for these new potentially $12,000 a year drugs? All of us, regardless of whether we take them. Once again, the massive healthcare costs will need to be absorbed by insurance – meaning rates will probably rise or standards cut. But at least the Pharmas will make billions, Hooray!


Of course this also glorifies the magic bullet theory. Eat and live like crap because we’ll find a drug that makes it all ok. Yes this is an oversimplification and for some this drug could be a lifesaver. But emphasizing magic bullets over real and effective lifestyle changes, not food pyramid bullpoop, could be just as effective for the entire population. And what about the mechanism that makes this drug work, blocking that particular enzyme? Is there any chance that could have unforeseen negative consequences too? I want to embrace new technologies and breakthroughs, but when I consider how it could all play out, I scratch my head a bit.

Another Life Saving, Health and Finance Compromising Miracle Drug?

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