Now this is pretty impressive. In a recent study detailed in a NY Times article, researchers found that 80 year olds who were considered world class athletes (for their age group) had significantly more muscle mass and strength than 80 year olds who were classified as just healthy. In my mind this raises a few interesting points. First, there’s a subset of octogenarians that are world class athletes! Who knew? All kidding aside, this is a testament to the increasing age expectancy and increased awareness of the importance of health and wellness into our later stages. There are more opportunities for 80 year olds to compete and train, which is wonderful. Then there’s the chicken/egg question. Are these folks stronger and more muscular because they train or can they train because they are genetically gifted with more and stronger muscles? The linked article is unclear on this. But it’s exciting to see that significant exercise and movement in our 80s is both possible and healthful. Movement is important as we age.

Exercise and Aging Well

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