It may sound like a self help guru script but there is very serious science coming out about the role positive thinking and stress reduction and how they can help us live longer, happier and even healthier lives. Of all the pillars in the Healthi Happi life this one may seem the easiest to ignore but it may in fact be the most important. It’s not hard to imagine how the thinking loop works. When you have a positive frame of mind you are more likely to try something healthful. The positive frame of mind also makes it more likely the healthful choice succeeds. The success reinforces the positivity. And thus the cycle continues. The negative loop cycle is just as powerful and may even have a similar effect as eating fried GMO frankenfoods day after day or never exercising. Be negative, stressed and under extreme pressure for long periods and it will very likely do your body a lot of harm.


Of course our bodies are designed to handle some stress. Occasional stressors actually help us get stronger and healthier. The problem occurs when we have heavy stresses with out a break. Just as your body needs rest after exercise, your mind and body need moments of calm and/or positivity after extreme mental stress.


The great news is when you find those moments of calm, happiness and positivity they can have dramatic effects. Studies have shown that certain types of meditation can lower body inflammation and that your attitude has a direct effect on the length of your telomeres (basically negative thinking equals shorter telomeres equals shorter life). People with positive attitudes towards aging lived 7.5 years longer than those who didn’t in another study. Optimists had a 50% lower rate of early death. List of studies goes on and on. We may not yet understand how it all works but it’s becoming clearer every day how much mental outlook and reducing stress plays a role in our health. The science is just too great to treat it any way differently than you treat diet and exercise. It needs to become a pillar of your health regimen.

Think Positive And Grow Really Old

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